Sunday, 10 June 2012

The fight gets tougher

Term 1 has completed and I've bombed.  How sad?!?!?!?!  Average... I have never been average before... at least not consistently average across courses.  Life felt very down. Side-effect = from that day, I hit the books everyday at library.  Read everything before classes each and every day for an entire week... definitely didn't read this much in entire Undergrad.  I was really hating what I was doing to myself.  Never have I run before after grades.  Just did my best and always got the right grades (or at lease decent ones).  Now, I don't know what had happened.  Stopped facebooking, socializing too much, thought about grades and classes, etc. all the time.

Until I had too much of it.... (thankfully, I had too much of it after only 1 week of doing it...)

What to do now?  I came thinking that I want to go to Strategy Consulting and would apply for Mackenzie... but that's not possible now or at least I'm mostly sure... now what's the game plan?

Sadly, the weekend has been a disaster soo far..... soooooo many assignments.  Term 2 has been kick-ass (literally!).  Well I know for sure... I can't be depressed for grades... life is too short.  Well I'll figure out a plan as I go.  At least, I have met some AMAZING friends, who care about me and look at for me.  I just find solace in that.  Need to get more involved in extracurriculars. Unfortunately, all of the club presidential elections happened this that opportunity is gone.  Maybe I can form a club of my own... but what?

I have also started thinking about Marketing and working in a more creative role.  Thinking outside of the box... such a challenging thing to do but yet so fun.  Let's see where this year takes me.

For now, need to get back to Emotiv...

P.S: Went last night to the go-karting place again for the 2nd failed attempt to go-kart @ 1 in the morning. The place was closed for renovation... what a luck but at least company was great, got to get away from everything, had amazing weather again, and life felt good.  AND, weather has calmed down a bit... it has began raining a bit so temperatures have calmed down a bit...THANK GOD! :D

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